This year’s edition of the OFIDIA2school contest ended with a prize-giving ceremony at one of the offices made available by the Municipality of Lecce at the end of June.
In this edition, students had to deal with the design and set-up of a weather station (OFIDIA2School weather station) based on the Arduino technology, besides learning how to use a data collector module and perform the analysis through the visualization of weather variables on a web page. The weather station produced by the students within the scope of the contest shall remain at the students’ disposal. It is actually an essential component of the fire prevention monitoring network.
The aim of the contest was to disseminate both the purpose of the equipment used in the OFIDIA2 project and the analysis of weather variables. The prizes awarded within the first edition of the contest are an Interactive Monitor and as 3D printer that will be installed at the winning schools at the start of the new school year in September.